A goddess is the entire animal kingdom - she is in a constant state of expansion and evolution.
A goddess is hard-earned wisdom embodied as fierce, unapologetic space -
she is King and Queen as one.
A goddess is not interested in experiences or conversations that do not nurture the energy of integrity and respect.
A goddess feels worthy of her YES and her NO.
A goddess does not make excuses, she makes a plan.
A goddess is not flattered by your attraction, she is moved by your appreciation.
A goddess examines her impulses, desires and cravings under a microscope until she understands what drives her - she knows that she is here to do hard things that require high levels of self-awareness.
A goddess owns how she feels about everything -
she would never say something behind your back that she would not say directly to your face.
A goddess seduces your senses, not your weaknesses - sensuality is the gift of her medicine.
A goddess is no longer imprisoned by her past, she is inspired by it.
A goddess does not get off on secrets, she is turned on by truth.