As soon as you take responsibility for your entire life, the game changes.
And it changes fast.
You might think your business isn’t working because you haven’t cracked the social media code, the algorithm is against you, or that you are somehow cursed by the gods of abundance.
When in fact, it’s your frequency.
It’s your lack of leadership in your own life & within your community.
It’s too much hustle & not enough flow.
It’s getting trapped in your mind & forgetting that you have a body.
It’s your attachment to your identity.
Because to become the woman you were born to be, you have to release the woman that you are.
If you knew how close you were, you would make very different decisions around what you give yourself permission to think about & how you spend your time.
Are you poisoning or nourishing your vessel?
If it’s not helping, it’s hurting.
When you’ve evolved into the leading lady of your own life, you’ll know.
Because your actual life will be your dream life.
Because what is happening around you is a mirror of what is happening within you.
Only 1% of the population are brave enough to do whatever it takes.
I am on a mission to get those numbers up.
And to live my own life in such a way that activates the humans around me to rise into their greatness.
I believe in you.
And I will continue to believe in you until you’re bold enough to believe in yourself.
RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY is a portal into your power.
I build this dream life every single day with orgasms & trust.
S*x magick + the deepest faith I’ve ever known.
What’s your strategy?
xo Stella 💋
Photography by Dennis Keim
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