She must know how deep pain can go in order to hold grounded space for the resurrection & the rebirth of the earth mother.
If you resonate with the priestess archetype, it is highly likely that you were born with a broken heart or that very early on, the heart wound was so massive that it would have destroyed someone who was not carrying the codes you came in with.
Your life path is one of great pain, profound courage, intoxicating sensuality, deep healing & earth shattering initiation.
Your power will confuse people.
Which will confuse you until you fully understand & remember your contract.
People will project all kinds of things onto you because they have no idea how to receive your frequency.
You are otherworldly, triggering & confronting.
Don’t stop.
Keep going.
Purifying your channel has to be a priority.
Send love & blessings to the ones who are blinded by your light or have no idea what to think about how comfortable you are with your own darkness.
This is a path of forgiveness, compassion, liberation & RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY.
It will ask more from you than you want to give.
It will trigger you into submission until there’s nothing left to trigger.
It will disappoint you & exhaust your soul until you embody what you came here to do + who you came here to be.
Eventually you’ll stop making everything about you.
All the little things that disturb you will come at you from the most unexpected places until there’s no part of you that can be disturbed.
Projecting will no longer be an option.
Your vessel has got to be cleansed of every single judgment that you hold.
You’ll have to learn skills that keep you in integrity with every single part of life.
It will not be fun half of the time.
You must learn how to bring fun into it.
Don’t be surprised if you even find a way to make it sexy & exciting.
It is part of your contract, to lead in a way that no one has ever seen.
You are lovely & loving.
You are so important here.
I see you.
I honor you.
I’ve got you.
Keep going.
Art by Light Being Codes