I believed I could have anything that I desired.
I prioritized my energetic alignment.
I started everything before I was ready.
I said yes to every opportunity that had the potential to expand my idea of what was possible.
I mastered the art of manifestation + quantum creation.
I live a life that feels like a dream.
I unlocked the temple codes within my own soul.
This is about being brave enough to become the woman in your dreams.
I’m here.
In it.
Soaking in the sacred waters of the earth mother.
Honoring the woman I once was for being fierce AF.
Heaven on earth is a frequency.
Peace is a choice.
Stop waiting for the conditions to be perfect.
Because they never will be.
I built my dream during one of the hardest times of my life.
Because it’s all I was available for.
And no matter what is happening in the world, I get to thrive.
I get to shine.
I get to be the woman I was born to be.
Because I decide!
And so do you...
Photography by Dennis Keim
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