Do you know why so many women on this planet are afraid to step into their power?
Because they’re terrified of what will happen to them.
They fear celebrating their success because they don’t want to trigger those who are struggling.
They fear talking about how well they’re doing in their business because someone might try to use it against them & manipulate or take advantage of them in some way.
They don’t want to take up too much space because blending in with the crowd & playing small is safer.
Less threatening.
Less confronting.
I’m here to tell you that anyone who makes another persons success about themselves is demonstrating NARCISSISTIC behavior.
A parasitic program that has been normalized in our society for far too long.
I challenge you to publicly claim a little bit more power than you’ve ever dared to before.
Notice what kinds of sensations come up.
Do your palms sweat?
Do you feel like you’re going to throw up?
What do you fear happening or being taken away?
As awakened women, we have a responsibility on this planet.
To dismantle the LACK, FEAR & SCARCITY programming that has been running this place for thousands of years.
Call your friends, families & communities higher.
Invite them to rise with you.
There is no more time for jealousy, envy, greed & insecurity.
The world is on fire.
Millions of children are being sold into s*x trafficking rings.
We need you in your POWER.
Your mission is huge.
Hiring a talented team to help you see it through is not cheap.
Nor should it be.
Purpose-driven women are not making all this $ so they can lay around eating bon bon’s all day on stacks of Benjamin’s.
We are leaders of new earth.
This is serious business.
And if anyone casts the evil eye or dares to tear you down in any way, there will be a very high price for them to pay.
You are heavily protected & guarded in ways that no words can even come close to expressing.
No more shrinking & hiding & playing small.
No more fearing those who live in fear.
It’s time to remember exactly who you are & exactly why you came this far.
It’s safe for you to claim your power in this life.
It’s safe for you to be seen & heard & known.
xo Stella
Artist @cosmiccollage
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