The moment she remembers who she is, is the most beautiful moment in a woman’s life.
Her eyes soften & become filled with light.
Her heart opens & releases its false walls of protection.
She becomes her own best lover & her own best friend.
She unapologetically steps into the sacred role she was born to play.
Nothing will ever be the same.
Everything changes when you change.
Reclaiming your power is reclaiming your royal seat.
Choosing yourself at this level means that you are no longer available for any person, place or thing that does not honor & respect your body, mind & soul.
Quantum creation is a path of devotion.
It is a life beyond your wildest dreams.
It is commitment to your highest timelines.
It is learning how to say YES to your next level over & over again.
It’s becoming the goddess, the queen & the dragon.
It is creating space for pleasure, magic & miracles.
It is knowing that there is no storm that can take you down because you are the storm.
There are going to be people who don’t understand what you are called to do in this life.
And that’s ok.
Every day I thank my past self for being brave AF.
Had I listened to the doubt & the fear gremlins in my soul, I wouldn’t wake up every day to messages from my beautiful clients sharing their breakdowns, breakthroughs & wins with me.
I wouldn’t know what it feels like to watch a woman cry & shake out the fear of her own power.
I wouldn’t be a safe space for women to come home to themselves.
And that would be a fucking tragedy.
The path of the goddess is the path of fire.
This is how divinity moves through me.
It is my deepest honor & divine purpose to support you as you learn how to surrender to the way divinity desires to move through you.
What calls you is what you were born to do.
Trust with love.
xo Stella
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