If you truly long to know the goddess, within & without, you must liberate the dark feminine from the dungeon of your own consciousness.
Venus enters Scorpio today.
I can feel it in my womb.
Everything that we have denied, rejected & shamed within ourselves & others is coming up to be looked at much more closely.
Kali is feared only by those who do not know how to honor what is unpleasant.
She is the destruction that must come before the transformation.
She is the sacred rage that you never gave yourself permission to feel.
She is the warning that you have to stop pretending like everything is OK when it’s not or you will get sick or much sicker than you are.
Kali showed me that my addiction was not to love, s3x or substances, but that I was addicted to avoiding my own soul.
She gave me the courage to choose liberation over the illusion of comfort.
Every single day I honor her for who she has helped me become.
If you fear the darkness within yourself, it is your darkness that unconsciously leads.
If you embrace the darkness within yourself, you consciously create space for it to have a place & a seat.
What we deny, we become.
Kali wants you to become the highest expression of that which you came here to be.
The skulls around her neck are from the ego’s that she had to slay in the collective to make the world safe.
Venus in Scorpio is asking us to look very closely at where we are not being true with our love & with our life.
We cannot experience the rebirth without the death of something sacred.
True & lasting transformation begins with the towers falling to the ground.
If you want the world to change, you have to be brave with your own life.
If you want honest relationships, you need to learn how to be honest with yourself.
If you want a lover who makes you feel like a goddess, you need to liberate & learn how to tend every single aspect of the goddess within.
We don’t change the world by watching the news & preaching about climate change.
Change the climate within your own heart & encourage others to do the same.
And then we might actually get somewhere.
As above, so below.
As within, so without.
If you truly want to save this place, save yourself.
Art by Jimmy Manton/ Alanna Fairchild
Venus enters Scorpio today.
I can feel it in my womb.
Everything that we have denied, rejected & shamed within ourselves & others is coming up to be looked at much more closely.
Kali is feared only by those who do not know how to honor what is unpleasant.
She is the destruction that must come before the transformation.
She is the sacred rage that you never gave yourself permission to feel.
She is the warning that you have to stop pretending like everything is OK when it’s not or you will get sick or much sicker than you are.
Kali showed me that my addiction was not to love, s3x or substances, but that I was addicted to avoiding my own soul.
She gave me the courage to choose liberation over the illusion of comfort.
Every single day I honor her for who she has helped me become.
If you fear the darkness within yourself, it is your darkness that unconsciously leads.
If you embrace the darkness within yourself, you consciously create space for it to have a place & a seat.
What we deny, we become.
Kali wants you to become the highest expression of that which you came here to be.
The skulls around her neck are from the ego’s that she had to slay in the collective to make the world safe.
Venus in Scorpio is asking us to look very closely at where we are not being true with our love & with our life.
We cannot experience the rebirth without the death of something sacred.
True & lasting transformation begins with the towers falling to the ground.
If you want the world to change, you have to be brave with your own life.
If you want honest relationships, you need to learn how to be honest with yourself.
If you want a lover who makes you feel like a goddess, you need to liberate & learn how to tend every single aspect of the goddess within.
We don’t change the world by watching the news & preaching about climate change.
Change the climate within your own heart & encourage others to do the same.
And then we might actually get somewhere.
As above, so below.
As within, so without.
If you truly want to save this place, save yourself.
Art by Jimmy Manton/ Alanna Fairchild
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