Two completely different situations triggered me this week.
On the surface it looked like my boundaries were being crossed.
However, after applying my practice, I realized that it was simply another opportunity for me to establish my own boundaries.
These are 2 completely different energies.
I recognized the discomfort & the pattern in my consciousness to make the other person wrong & to judge them harshly.
I then allowed myself to feel the sensation of the trigger while sending love to it before dropping it into my womb & then down further into my sacred feminine birthing portal, where all things go to be transmuted or transformed into love or into pleasure.
My trauma wants to keep me safe, so it’s regularly on the lookout for danger & familiar situations that resemble traumatic experiences.
But the pain body has a very clever way of holding you in an energetic pattern with the very thing that you believe you have outgrown.
Very rarely are people truly crossing us.
There are always exceptions, but it’s so important to learn to tell the difference.
We are all just very very different in how we communicate & how much of another person’s energy we can emotionally tolerate.
When someone oversteps & you feel the sensation of discomfort, it is your responsibility to communicate that this is a boundary for you or to express what you are feeling.
To drop the bomb of all of your unprocessed drama & trauma on another person is not only unkind, it’s spiritually immature.
By taking responsibility for the trigger & the boundary, I stayed in integrity which allowed the experience to energize me instead of deplete me.
On the surface it looked like my boundaries were being crossed.
However, after applying my practice, I realized that it was simply another opportunity for me to establish my own boundaries.
These are 2 completely different energies.
I recognized the discomfort & the pattern in my consciousness to make the other person wrong & to judge them harshly.
I then allowed myself to feel the sensation of the trigger while sending love to it before dropping it into my womb & then down further into my sacred feminine birthing portal, where all things go to be transmuted or transformed into love or into pleasure.
My trauma wants to keep me safe, so it’s regularly on the lookout for danger & familiar situations that resemble traumatic experiences.
But the pain body has a very clever way of holding you in an energetic pattern with the very thing that you believe you have outgrown.
Very rarely are people truly crossing us.
There are always exceptions, but it’s so important to learn to tell the difference.
We are all just very very different in how we communicate & how much of another person’s energy we can emotionally tolerate.
When someone oversteps & you feel the sensation of discomfort, it is your responsibility to communicate that this is a boundary for you or to express what you are feeling.
To drop the bomb of all of your unprocessed drama & trauma on another person is not only unkind, it’s spiritually immature.
By taking responsibility for the trigger & the boundary, I stayed in integrity which allowed the experience to energize me instead of deplete me.
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