And I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be a happy unicorn sliding down a rainbow every day to make it online.
You just need to be fierce about who you are, what you stand for & how you show up for it.
And you need to be willing to make moves behind the scenes & in the spotlight (NO MATTER WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD)when everyone else is running for cover.
Extraordinary lives are not created anywhere near comfort zones.
They are summoned by the power of ones own decision to do the things that so few are willing to do.
Success is built upon the foundation of personal responsibility.
You can have a life that dreams are made of if you are willing to take responsibility for your desires.
No one handed me any of this.
I pulled myself out of the hell that I was living in & built every single part of my dream with my bare hands.
If I can do it, you can do it.
If I can have this, you can have this.
If I can be this, you can be this.
This is about deciding that you are only available for a life that excites you & relentlessly thinking, believing & acting on its behalf.
Your next level is asking, how much power are you willing to step into?
xo Stella
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